The Conad sustainability challenge
Conad, the colossal of large retailers, has joined the Ecologistico2 program, devised by ECR Italia, the association that regroups the main production and distribution companies to improve the processes and efficiency of the supply chain, from the producer to the consumer. Ecologistico2 offers companies clear indications about the emissions produced in its various nodes and along the routes usually travelled. The platform then brings out the logistics variables with the greatest environmental impact and indicates possible ways to reduce the CO2 emissions produced along its chain. Conad has shown, through its "green practices", how it is possible to combine sustainability and economic efficiency in the management of the supply chain. Some projects launched from 2010 forward in order to improve the cost-service combination have simultaneously contributed to increasing the level of the sustainability of the Conad supply chain.
These projects range from the redesign of distribution flows to the use of solutions like the pallet pooling service or boxes with collapsible walls, from the redefinition of loading units to the increase in vehicle saturation, from the use of NLG for its means of transport to the increase in intermodality. The optimization of logistics, in terms of vehicle saturation and modernization and the increased use of alternative transport to the one on road has allowed Conad to increase transport efficiency by 3% between 2014 and 2016. The environmental commitment of Conad has grown over time. "Together for the environment" distinguishes all the activities implemented to reduce the environmental impact: from low-impact buildings to distribution centres that use renewable energy; from low-energy-consumption points of sale to consumables using environmentally friendly raw materials; from integrated logistics to the choice of developing loose and unpackaged products; from the differentiated disposal of waste to awareness campaigns to consumers. "Together for the environment" is more than a project: it is an attitude that has made its way into the Conad world and helps to define all the choices of daily action.
The common aim is to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and waste production, to promote eco-compatible product lines with environmental certification as well as the use of renewable energy resources, packaging and consumables derived from environmentally friendly raw materials. Conad provides various solutions to transport the purchased goods: biodegradable bags in mater-bi (material composed of vegetable components), paper bags for the bakery and sheets of paper for the packaging of cured meat all certified FSC or PEFC, shopper reusable in 60% recycled plastic, bags in natural cotton and finally the convenient shopping trolley in 60% recycled plastic. Furthermore, in order to plan its environmental sustainability in an increasingly precise manner, Conad decided to structure itself with objective measurements. As a first commitment in this way, the company is carrying out an analysis of the emissions generated by its transport in the two-year period 2014-2016. Subsequently, it will pass to the measurement of energy and water consumption of its logistic structures and to the analysis of waste management.
Finally Conad has also developed product lines dedicated to the environment. Specifically, “Verso Natura Eco” includes products for household cleaning, such as fabric softener, detergents for laundry, floors, glasses and dishes, degreaser and dishwasher tablets, napkins, tissues and recycled cellulose toilet paper. These last three products are Ecolabel certified. Ecolabel UE is the EU quality label that distinguishes products and services that while ensuring high performance standards are characterized by a reduced environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle.
Author: LUM University