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Benefit companies vs B-Corp: an Italian legal form toward sustainability
laian Three years have passed since the establishment in Italy of the Benefit Company (i.e., Società Benefit) with the 2016 Stability Law, the Italian counterpart of the so-called benefit corporations, better known as B-corp.

Sustainability in the hearts of Italians. Sustainable mindset
Over the years the concept of sustainability has become more and more conscious in the hearts of Italians, so much so that, nowadays, communities change lifestyles and are increasingly concerned about environmental conditions, issues such as pollution and of social problems.

When will animal cruelty go out of fashion?
Every year, more than 150 billion animals are slaughtered, ending their extremely short lives having endured unspeakable suffering under barbaric factory-farming conditions, to satisfy insatiable human appetites for food and clothing.
About project
SociSDG, under the name Social Innovation & Inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals - sociSDG is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership focused on nine socially-oriented Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being, Quality education, Gender Equality, Decent work and economic growth, Reduced inequalities, Sustainable cities and communities and Responsible consumption and production.
Project focuses on raising awareness of adults, companies and decision makers when it comes to the measurement and the implementation of social SDGs into business strategies, as well as the overall topic of sustainable development connected to the SDGs. Main aim of the project is to educate companies and other organizations about the importance of their impact on society and the urgency of implementing SDGs into their work.